Study Abroad  China

Two Worlds United Programs in China for High School students


China has a dual and complex nature. It can give generously of its soul and yet remain elusive. It can be extraordinarily beautiful and the land of your dreams and it cannot fail to impress.

China has overcome devastating invasions, civil conflict, and 30 years of complete isolation from the world—and emerged an economic dynamo with a growing middle class.

China has made rapid advances in international education since 1970. 

These days China offers splendid opportunities for exploring the Yangtze, an improved educational system, joint ventures with cultural organizations, and an efficient transportation system as subways. Students are free to travel almost anywhere in the country.

Two Worlds United students traveling to China need humor and sensitivity to appreciate its amazing power and diversity and the astonishing changes it has accomplished in a short time.



Admissions Dep't.
Tel: 1 (805) 581-9191
Fax: 1 (805) 581-6079

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