Two Worlds United Study Abroad     F&Q's -- General


2002-2003 Two Worlds United program facts are as follows: 



Who are the Host Families? 

Host families are carefully chosen by Two Worlds United Representation Abroad based upon their desire to host a visiting student and their ability to provide a safe, comfortable home and a positive cultural experience for their new family member.  Host families decide to host for many reasons: to make friends with a young person from abroad, to encourage the exchange of ideas, to share their culture and to learn about yours.  They will offer guidance, help you adjust throughout your stay and help you understand life in their country.  They will be eager to answer your questions and above all, they will want to welcome you as a member of their family.                                                                                                                                                 

Admissions Dep't.
Tel: 1 (805) 581-9191
Fax: 1 (805) 581-6079

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