Teacher Programs   Scholarships

Scholarship Notice (Spanish Teachers)

Intercambios "puesto por puesto"--"Cursos de Verano"(Summer Courses)


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La convocatoria Post to Post, para los candidatos españoles, ha sido publicada en el BOE del 11 de febrero de 2000. El plazo de presentación de solicitudes termina el 2 de marzo. 

En el Post to Post el profesor español y el americano intercambian sus puestos de trabajo durante un curso escolar. El profesor americano mantendrá todos los beneficios y salario que percibe aquí. 

Description of the program:

The Ministry of Education and Culture of Spain, and the States which have signed educational agreements with the Ministry of Education and Culture are promoting a "Post to Post" exchange program.

The "Post to Post" program permits primary, middle and high school teachers to exchange their teaching positions with teachers from Spain holding similar posts.


  • to increase understanding of the host country, language and academic field.

  • to provide the opportunity for a career-enhancing experience which allows teachers to gain new perspectives and be exposed to new teaching methods.

  • to offer the opportunity to develop lifelong professional relationships and friendships, and to become a member of an "international community of scholars."


Teachers remain employed by their school districts. Therefore, the teachers' salaries will continue to be paid by the board and all benefits and seniority will remain intact.

Travel arrangements are made and paid for by the participants.


U.S. and Canadian teachers of Spanish wishing to participate in the "Post to Post" exchange must meet the following requirements:

  • a current full-time teaching assignment in the U.S. or Canada.

  • three years of experience in teaching Spanish and a commitment to teach English in Spain grades 1-12.

  • the approval of his/her administration.

The selection will be made by representatives from the participating district and staff members of the Education Office in each State.

Applications are matched by personnel from the nearest Education Office of Spain and representatives of the State School Districts.


Please fill in the following form.


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