Two Worlds United Study Abroad     F&Q's -- General

How to use the Frequent Asked Questions


To use the F&Q section please select the topic or your choice in the table of contents and when the list of questions appear just link in the question that is of your interest.



Frequently Asked Questions
Look for your solution in these lists of Frequently Asked Questions.

Make Selection:   Item:

After selecting a topic, you will be directed  to a column of questions as follow.

Select a Topic and click over it to follow the hyperlink and the answer will appear as a new window.

Select the Topic of your choice
Item Summary Usefulness
1. General How do I use the F&Q Section 10
2. General The country of my choice it's not listed 10
3. General How much are the programs 10
4. General About TWO WORLDS UNITED (Two Worlds United) 10
5. General How can I contact Two Worlds United 10
6. General How do I get Started in a Study Abroad Program 10
7. General When should I apply 10
8. General Will be able to take credits for the classes that I take overseas 10
9. General What is next  if I get accepted 10
10. General Will be able to receive credits for the classes that I take overseas 10
11. General How long are the programs 10
12. General What kind of support will I receive while studying abroad 10
13. General It is the teaching method different that in my country 10
14. General Do I have more help in case that I have problems understanding 10
15. General Do I have someone to help me if I have questions that are not school related 10
16. General Who are the Area Representatives 10
17. General Who are the Host Families 10


Select a number and it will take you to the next list of Frequent Questions.  Click in the list that appears to follow the hyperlink and the answer will appear as a new window.

Page:   1  


Admissions Dep't.
Tel: 1 (805) 581-9191
Fax: 1 (805) 581-6079

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